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Small Question About Uploading an Image

Posted under General

Third-party edit literally has a line here about this:

Minor edits that don't substantially alter the content of the image may be allowed. This includes posts that have been stitched, cleaned, detexted, slightly cropped or colorized.

And while I admittedly wouldn't call my edit a slight crop, are you sincerely suggesting that this should be on Danbooru? Because I find that much more absurd. Rules often have grey lines between them, third-party edit especially. It would be in your best interest to learn them, otherwise, every single detexted post would be getting flagged for people daring to want the main cover of a cute doujin, for example without text.

Maiden_in_Orange said:

And while I admittedly wouldn't call my edit a slight crop, […]

I’m sure that line doesn’t apply to your image. I’d say you’re not cropping anything from the original image. You’re restoring the original image by removing the crap that wasn’t part of the original image.

However, as someone already mentioned, make sure to use a lossless JPEG cropping tool. Don’t use Photoshop or anything like that to crop the image because that’s not lossless. And for anyone who trips up over this: No, this doesn’t mean saving as PNG.

I think it would be helpful to list some cropping tools that have been proven to be lossless so users don't have to scour the Internet for some random online tool claiming to produce lossless crops and hope it works as advertised.

Also, I'm assuming post #7179484 was cropped with the same tool as post #7178115, so it will also need to be redone with a lossless tool.

Blank_User said:

I think it would be helpful to list some cropping tools that have been proven to be lossless so users don't have to scour the Internet for some random online tool claiming to produce lossless crops and hope it works as advertised.

The tried-and-true tool for Windows is jpegtran: https://jpegclub.org/ → http://sylvana.net/jpeg-bin/ → http://sylvana.net/jpeg-bin/jpg9eexe.zip
Usage: jpegtran.exe -crop WxH+X+Y in.jpeg out.jpeg

jpegtran can also be used to solve more sophisticated problems such as in post 5279332.

After using any tool you can confirm that the crop was lossless by performing the same crop with conventional tools and saving to PNG, then uploading both the cropped jpeg and cropped png, and comparing their Pixel Hash values on their respective /media_assets/ pages.

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