
Missing chain implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #25712 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication chain_around_arm -> chain
create implication chain_bracelet -> chain
create implication chain_necklace -> chain
create implication chain_bikini -> chain
create implication chain_between_breasts -> chain
create implication chain_earrings -> chain
create implication chain_pull -> chain
create implication chain_headband -> chain
create implication chain_hairband -> chain
create implication chain_around_neck -> chain

Missing implications for chain. Noticed while uploading and tagging posts of Acheron. Her official costume features a chain around her arm and chain around arm helps describe a bit more about how the chain appears in a post but chain has to be manually added as of right now.

EDIT: Since the initial BUR which started with chain around arm, I've added several more missing implications.


nonamethanks said:

We also have chain_bracelet.

That's true. I also found several other chain-related tags that are missing implications. I've edited the BUR (and forum post to match) to instead catch as many missing chain_* implications as I could find all in the one BUR. This may change the opinion of current or future voters.
